Tuesday, February 28, 2012

And So It Begins ♥

Dec. 15 2011 Los Angeles, Ca.
       Most of you know the story of how it all begin, and how I absolutely just LOVE telling it, but Id like to tell it again for those of you who don't know. It all started about 10 years ago. me being 13, Chris 15. I was dating this boy that had lived down the street from me and Chris happened to be good friends with him. One night they both went for a jog and ended up at my house, Chris not knowing who I was met me for the first time that night. I had just gotten out of the shower a few minutes prior so I was in my pajamas, with my hair wet in a bun ready for bed. I run outside to say hi to my "bf" and I see Chris too. Chris was wearing fire gear that night. He had on the pants, the jacket, and the boots only. No under shirt, and his jacket was not buttoned. (you can only image crazy Chris trying to show off his "manly chest" lol) anyway, I run outside and my bf at the time says "what the heck are you doing go change you" (yeah, he did say this jerk! haha) And Chris right away says "no don't listen to him you look fine.." with a little wink. And at first I thought ew, don't wink at me.. But then I introduced myself to him, and I remember wanting to ask him if he was a fire fighter but he looked so young I didnt wanna look stupid. So I didn't. And I hadn't seen or heard of Chris after that night till I got into high school. I met this girl by the name of Amanda in class, she had came over and said she knew a boy named Chris that lived down the street from me and that we should invite him over before my dad got home, (sorry if you see this dad!) So we invite him over and me being the sweet little innocent cheerleader that I was, was SO AFRAID! All of a sudden this white Mustang turns the corner of my block so fast and loud I was thinking to myself.. oh..my..God. He comes out and says "hey! I remember you! Are you still dating that guy?" And I had told him no and the story of why we broke up. A few weeks later were hanging out everyday. So my parents put a stop to that and my dad had a name for him which we will NEVER forget... and that was Yaahoo. Chris and I were only allowed to see each other 3 times a week, sometimes less, and we were only allowed to talk on the phone for so long. (only there is a little story behind that.. lets not get off track here. haha! ) We made it official sometime in late January. Never really had an exact date because even I being the girl forgot when it was. So we made up a date, and that date was January 12th. I was 15 at the time and Chris was 17. We were so in love. We finally moved in together when I turned 18. It was the best. We were together for 6 SOLID years before splitting up. But this is a love happy story, so lets not go into detail about the split. We reunited, and fell so deeply, madly in love with each other after 6 months of not really talking and only seeing each other 3-5 times total. It was the best but worst thing we ever did splitting up. But looking at how we are now, was all worth it. Being back together Chris joined a company and had finally got accepted to work. It was something he has ALWAYS wanted to do and finally everything fell into place. Upon graduating his wonderful accomplishment, we all went out side to take some family photo's. Chris kept insisting we would stand by the big christmas tree so thats where we stood. We got a picture of our whole family together (which rarely happens) and then all of a sudden everyone started taking pictures of just him and I, which I thought was nice but we stood there for a while. He held onto me so tightly, almost like a stiff tightly if that makes sense.. He kept telling me he loved me and kissed my cheek, as I was turning my head to look at him, he gets down on one knee, and asked me to be his wife! I SAID YES OF COARSE!! Everything we both ever wanted was finally coming into place. It was the first time both of our families had joined together in  a very long time. And to have my family there to experience this with us, was just the highlight of my night. 
It was just perfect<3

Chris is such an awesome energetic person, I honestly can not wait to grow old together next to this handsome man I will soon call my husband. 

Stay tuned for more!....Bianca<3

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